Installation and setup

Getting started with Sciagraph:

  1. Installation
  2. Trying it out
  3. Understanding Sciagraph’s output
  4. What’s changed? Comparing two profiling reports

Runtime requirements

Supported operating systems:

  • Linux on x86_64, Python 3.7-3.11 (ARM can be made available if there’s interest; email me).
  • macOS with Python 3.9-3.11, Catalina (10.15) or later, on both x86_64 and ARM.
  • Windows is not currently supported directly, so you need to use Linux emulation of some sort:
    • WSLv2 is likely to work, but still untested.
    • Or, you can use Docker to start a Linux-based shell prompt:
      docker run -it -v python:3.11 bash

Installing the package

In order to try Sciagraph out, you can install it in a virtualenv. Make sure to upgrade pip before installing Sciagraph, or you might have issues installing it. Here are the commands to do so; substitute your version of Python if needed, e.g. python3.10:

$ python3.11 -m venv ./test-venv
$ . ./test-venv/bin/activate
(test-venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip
(test-venv) $ pip install sciagraph

See the documentation on setting up Sciagraph for a more detailed overview of available options.

Sign up for a free account

Sciagraph requires an access token to run, so next you’ll need to sign up for the free Hobbyist plan to use it.

Once you’ve done that, you can move on to the next step of actually using Sciagraph.

Next: Try it out